March 28, 2025 -
Social Action Committee sponsors many Tikkun Olam Mitzvah Day Programs to “spark the spirit” within the synagogue and community. We support the needs of congregants through new and existing social action programs. We promote charitable work and social assistance. We invite you to join us for fun and to volunteer to perform a mitzvah!
The Social Action Committee generally meets the second Wednesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. New members are always welcome. Please check with the synagogue office to confirm the next meeting date.
Social Action Committee
Cathy Feiger, V.P.
Please contact me to volunteer, donate, or become part of the committee!
The Inclusion Committee and Interfaith Committee are umbrella organizations under Social Action.
For more information, please contact Cathy Feiger at
For the past half dozen years, in early November, Congregation Beth Judea holds a Mitzvah Day at the synagogue, where the religious school students, members of Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Empty Nesters, Chavuras, and congregants participate in mitzvah activities both at the synagogue and in the surrounding community. Numerous Jewish social service agencies in the Chicagoland area as well as local food pantries and homeless shelters are supported by activities performed on this day. In the surrounding community, congregants visit nursing homes, provide dinners at the Ronald McDonald facility for acutely ill children and their families, as well as participate in projects in conjunction with JUF’s Project Tov (Tikun Olam Volunteers).
Several weeks before Chanukah, Congregation Beth Judea participates in the 7+1 Wish List project as well as the general 7+1 campaign, both sponsored by Jewish Children?s Bureau. 7+1 stands for seven days of Chanukah and one for a needy child. In addition to numerous gifts collected to be distributed to clients of the Jewish Children?s Bureau, over 60 children’s specific wishes for Chanukah gifts are met, by congregants purchasing the gifts desired by these children.
For the past half dozen years, in early November, Congregation Beth Judea holds a Mitzvah Day at the synagogue, where the religious school students, members of Men?s Club, Sisterhood, Empty Nesters, Chavuras, and congregants participate in mitzvah activities both at the synagogue and in the surrounding community. Numerous Jewish social service agencies in the Chicagoland area as well as local food pantries and homeless shelters are supported by activities performed on this day. In the surrounding community, congregants visit nursing homes, provide dinners at the Ronald McDonald facility for acutely ill children and their families, as well as participate in projects in conjunction with JUF’s Project Tov (Tikun Olam Volunteers).
For over ten years, Congregation Beth Judea has supported PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) by shopping, cooking, and serving meals at a homeless shelter in the local community one or two nights a month.
On an annual basis, non-perishable kosher food is collected for the Ark’s Food Pantry. Volunteers from the congregation deliver the food to the Ark in Chicago. The Ark is a not for profit facility for needy Chicago area Jews. Many of the recipients are elderly or immigrants who receive social services such as food, shelter, or medical assistance that they are unable to get anywhere else.
Every year on the Friday night closest to Veteran’s Day (November 11), Congregation Beth Judea honors service members who have proudly served their country. Veterans from World War II to present day are given the recognition and gratitude they so deserve. If you know of any veterans or active service members that you would like to include in this Shabbat service, please contact Scott Eisner.
Inclusion Committee is an umbrella organization under Social Action.
The Inclusion Committee of Congregation Beth Judea was formed to meet the spiritual, social, and personal needs of our congregants by becoming more sensitive to issues of inclusion and to enable congregants and guests to participate meaningfully in synagogue learning, rituals, and programs.
For more information, please contact Renee Klass at .
CONGREGATION BETH JUDEA is part of the HUGS consortium that provide ritual programming for children and adults with special needs.
The HUGS website can be accessed at
Interfaith Committee is an umbrella organization under Social Action. Congregation Beth Judea is a proud member of The Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council.
The Interfaith Council is a not-for-profit organization with 10 member congregations located in the area. It was founded in 1990 as a direct response to an incident of anti-Semitic graffiti painted on the Northwest Suburban Jewish Community Center. The clergy of the area Joined together to condemn the vandalism caused by hate and ignorance. For more information, please contact Joanne Dicker at or Helene Fox at
Congregation Beth Judea participates in the Interfaith Council’s annual programs which include: