March 28, 2025 -
The Men’s Club now has a Facebook Page. Click here to visit us on Facebook.
Membership: If you would like to join the Beth Judea Men’s Club click here.
Our mission is to involve Jewish men in Jewish life.
We accomplish this mission by mentoring leaders, programming that better connects people of all ages to the Jewish community, and forming meaningful long-lasting relationships based on camaraderie, common interests, and the core values of the Conservative /Masorti Movement.
Beth Judea Men’s Club is a proud, award winning member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club (FJMC).
Alan Friedlander
Executive Vice President
Programming Vice President
Steve Limer
Ritual Vice President
Alan Marcus
Membership Vice President
Brandt Rosen
Communication Vice President
Brandt Rosen
Ron Friedman
Social Action Chairman
Steve Frost
VP House & Parliamentarian
Sandy Victor
Alan Friedlander
Board of Directors/Director at Large
Lou Rabin & Orin Rotman
Past Presidents
Norm Kurtz
Rob Lipka
Fred Rabinowitz
Brandt Rosen
Evan Rumack
Jerry Sakol
Sandy Victor
Eric Yegelwel
Sunday Morning Minyan – The Sunday morning minyan is typically led by members of the Men’s Club. If requested, assistance with wrapping tefillin is available.
Weekly Interpretive Minyan – Each week, the Men’s Club conducts an interpretive minyan in parallel to the traditional Shabbat morning service. This is a shortened service in Hebrew and in English and includes an extensive discussion of the weekly Torah portion.
Sukkah – Each year, members of the Men’s Club assemble and disassemble the synagogue’s sukkah that was built by the Men’s Club.
Men’s Club Shabbat – Each year (usually during Passover), the Men’s Club leads an innovative Shabbat morning service.
Minyan of Comfort – Several members of the Men’s Club have gone through training co-sponsored by the Cantor’s Assembly and the FJMC to lead shiva minyanim and to provide comfort to congregants suffering a loss.
World Wide Wrap – As supporters and affiliate members of the FJMC, Men’s Club participates in the FJMC’s Worldwide Wrap. This is a worldwide tefillin awareness day which takes place during morning minyan (prayer service) on the Sunday of the NFL’s Super Bowl game. The art of wrapping tefillin is taught, and the history and tradition of this mitzvah (commandment) are discussed. Men and women, girls and boys are encouraged to participate.
Wine Tasting – Prior to Passover, each year, in cooperation with the Sisterhood, Men’s Club hosts a wine tasting with kosher for Passover wines from around the world. This is a very well attended and popular springtime social event at which attendees can purchase wine at a discount for the holiday.
12″ Summer Softball League – Our teams compete in a summer league playing against other Men’s Club teams from synagogues in Chicago’s north and northwest suburban area.
Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah – The Men’s Club hosts a whiskey tasting and steak dinner event to celebrate Sukkot. Enjoy this special event while competing in a trivia game against other teams.
Vodkas and Latkes – Together with the Sisterhood, Men’s Club hosts a vodka and latke tasting event. Taste different latke recipes and enjoy an exhilarating group game.
Man & Youth of the Year – Each year, our Men’s Club, along with the other affiliated region Men’s Clubs, honors one of its members and a deserving youth at the Midwest Region dinner.
Moo and Brew – Men’s Club presents a beer tasting paired with a perfectly grilled burger. Meet and mingle with Men’s Club members.
Men’s Club Biennial Retreat – The Men’s Club hosts a biennial CBJ Men’s Club retreat. A great weekend of fun including discussions, Torah study, games, great food, and bonding.
FJMC Biennial International Convention – This highly anticipated event gives the opportunity for Men’s Club members around the world to reunite, make new friends, and sculpt the future of Conservative/Masorti Judaism.
Hebrew Literacy – Members of Men’s Club, using the FJMC’s Hebrew Literacy curriculum, teach/refresh the skill of reading Hebrew as part of the Beth Judea adult education program. This course is given over thirteen weeks and is very successful in teaching beginners the ability to read Hebrew. The Friday night Shabbat service is used as the text.
World Wide Wrap – As part of our ongoing education efforts, Men’s Club supplies the FJMC Build-a-Pair kits to the dalet class in preparation for the World Wide Wrap. We also help in the Hebrew school instruction on assembling and wrapping these student-made “tefillin.”
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Assistance – Members of the Men’s Club offer assistance to families of a bar or bat mitzvah student to help prepare for the services. This would include help with preparing for being called to the Torah for an aliyah (honor), customized booklets explaining the service, and any other assistance that may be requested. We also provide a gift certificate to be used toward the purchase of tefillin.
Hearing Men’s Voices – From time to time, Men’s Club presents discussion groups dealing with a variety of topics. Men are encouraged to come and talk about these issues in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Tap the Torah – Men’s Club sponsors Torah discussions while sipping on a nice cold ale.
Chanukah Candles – Each year, Men’s Club distributes a box of Hanukkah candles to every congregational household. The proceeds received from donations are used to support the synagogue’s Hebrew school and youth programs.
Jack Rizman Charity Golf Outing – This memorial outing gives a chance for the congregation to play golf and have a pizza dinner. Monies raised support the Jack Rizman Memorial Fund at CBJ to support musical programs and the Men’s Club.
Keruv is a program initiated by the FJMC to help synagogues and communities improve their culture to and to become more open and welcoming. Emphasis is on families with interfaith members. Periodically, the Men’s Club sponsors discussion groups dealing with a variety of topics involving these issues. All members of the synagogue are encouraged to participate in these programs.
Project Isaiah – Every year at Rosh Hashanah, the Men’s Club distributes grocery bags to synagogue members. These bags, to be filled with non-perishable food items, are returned on Kol Nidre. All collected items are donated to the ARK for distribution to needy families.
Yom HaShoah (Holocaust) Yellow Candles – Men’s Club participates in the FJMC’s Yom HaShoah commemorative yellow candle distribution program to help commemorate the Holocaust. The proceeds received from donations are used to support projects related to remembering the Shoah. The synagogue’s Shoah Memorial Garden, donated by the Men’s Club, is an ongoing project paid for with proceeds raised from the FJMC yellow candle distribution.
P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver Service) – Men’s Club participates each year in this community wide effort to afford temporary shelter and meals to those who find themselves homeless and in need.
Lieberman Home – Men’s Our Men’s Club participates in the FJMC’s Midwest Region program to support the Jewish Federation Council for the Jewish Elderly Lieberman Home Shabbat morning program. Once a month, members of our Men’s Club assist non-ambulatory residents of the Lieberman Home to attend the home’s Shabbat morning services.